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August 7, 2024

Dear Central Committee Member:

Welcome and congratulations on your election as the official representative of the Republican Party in the Ward or Township in which you live. We have prepared this handbook for you which is intended to provide a starting point for the work which each of us must do if we are to continue to be successful in electing outstanding Republicans to public office in Greene County and throughout the State.

Please review the materials we have assembled.  This provides information, which will be essential to your service as a member of the Central Committee.

Please become familiar with our website

Our regular means of communication is through email, Face Book and a monthly newsletter, PARTY TALK.

While there are no Central Committee “dues”, one of your duties as a committee person is to belong to TARGET.   (The Association of Republicans Getting Everyone Together) TARGET is the social and fundraising arm of our party. You can find more information about TARGET and join here.

Brent Johnson is the President of TARGET.

 We encourage you to join the Greater Ozarks Pachyderm Club.  The Pachyderm Club is the educational arm of our party.  They meet twice a month. On the second and 4th Friday at 11:30 AM at the Election Training Center, 1126 N. Boonville, Springfield Missouri.  David Schultz is the President.  Follow Pachyderms on Face Book here. Membership is $30 a year.

We encourage you to join the Greene County Republican Women.  The Republican women meet one time a month on the second Thursday at 11:30 AM at the Golden Corral, 2020 E. Primrose.   Men are welcome.  They are very active in helping Greene County Republicans.  Angela Romine is the President. Follow our GCRW on Face Book here. Membership is $30 a year.

We also communicate information about various events and meetings to our Central Committee members by email.  Please be sure we have your current email address.

Follow us on Face Book at Greene County GOP.

I look forward to working with you to continue the tradition of excellence established by the Greene County Republican Central Committee.


Danette Proctor, Chair

Phone: 417 742-3500










August 2024


The Republican Party was started in 1854 and has been guided since then by a philosophy that is marked by:

  1. A commitment to Individualism; and,
  2. Belief in the free enterprise system.

As Republicans we hold that social, economic and political stability can be best achieved with a minimum of federal government intervention.  The party accepts the idea that the government closest to the individual citizen can serve the citizen best and at the lowest cost.  For this reason, the party has a long and distinguished history of activity in local elections.  This activity is based on the premise that political power held locally, rather than nationally, will ensure good government through the development of capable state and federal leadership in local offices.  Therefore, it is vitally important to attract high quality candidates for local level offices.

The party holds that those who cannot provide for themselves should be assisted by the government, through local government if possible, and by society, but that every effort should be made to help them become self-supporting and independent.

The party looks to the federal government for the maintenance of sound money and a responsible economy.  We also expect the federal government to maintain a strong defense.

The party believes that equal rights, equal justice and equal opportunity for all should be a national right regardless of sex, creed, race, age or national origin.

The party supports the security of the individual through support of the Constitution, the laws and the courts.

These concepts are the foundation of our strength as a political party and our promise for the future of our nation.

The foregoing Statement of Philosophy was officially adopted

By the Greene County Republican Central Committee in 1990.



  • To build the party by establishing in his or her voting district a network of like-minded voters who will support and work for Republican candidates during elections.
  • To attend every Central Committee Meeting and function.
  • To abide by the policy that the Central Committee as such will not take sides in a primary election.
  • To actively support the Republican Candidate in the General Election even though it is a person you did not support in the Primary Election. However, if in good conscience you cannot vote for the Republican Candidate, then keep it to yourself and do not make your position public.
  • To be the neighborhood contact person for Republican Candidates for office and to assist candidates in your voting district.
  • To be a good citizen and refrain from public conduct which reflects adversely on the Republican Party or its candidates.
  • To be a Member of TARGET and support its activities.
  • To be active in community affairs, civic clubs and especially in you place of worship.
  • To concentrate on issues which unite the party and steer clear of those which tend to divide it.



  1. Work for the election of Republican candidates.
  1. Represent the Republicans in the Ward or Township from which you have been elected in meetings and activities of the Central Committee.
  1. Attend ALL meetings of the Central Committee unless prevented by illness or absence from the County. The By-Laws provide for limited use of proxies for occasions when you can’t be present.
  1. Support the Greene County Republican Party by belonging to the social and fundraising arm of the Central Committee: T.A.R.G.E.T. (The Association of Republicans Getting Everyone Together).  Please refer to the TARGET dues schedule.
  1. Assist TARGET in encouraging people to attend fundraiser events.
  1. Build and maintain a network of your Republican neighbors and friends in your Ward or Township. Establish a means of communications-via text, email, phone, Face Book etc. to help spread the word about party events.  Identify people who will help you “get out the vote”, who would consider permitting Republican Candidates (approved by them of course) to put yard signs on their property, who would “walk” the neighborhood with a given Republican candidate or perhaps be willing to host a coffee or candidate event.  In short, become the link between your constituents and the Republican Party.
  1. Use your ability as a Committee Person to nominate the individuals who serve at polling places during elections as paid “poll workers” to help build the party’s strength in your Ward or Township. Personally talk to each person who is presently a Republican “poll worker” or whom you might consider nominating for such position.  Make sure that they will support you and the party by helping with the tasks described in the preceding paragraph.
  1. Assist the party in identifying and encouraging outstanding Republicans to run for public office.
  1. Be responsible for placing Republican yard signs at their polling place for a general election.
  1. Be willing to volunteer and to remain active in the community, as well as political campaigns.
  1. Recruit Ward or Township volunteers as well as Auxiliary Members (as defined in the By-Laws). Provide Ward or Township voter identification and canvassing of precinct.
  1. Remember the Republican Philosophy. Remember that the work of the party is to promote candidates, not causes.  Remember that our party seeks to include all who embrace the Republican Philosophy.  Be positive about your service on the Central Committee and attempt to live by Ronald Reagan’s 11th Commandment for our party: Never speak ill of another Republican!” 



  1. Execute all of the duties of Committee person for the Ward or Township from which elected.
  1. Preside at meeting of the Central Committee.
  1. Serve as an ex officio member of the T.A.R.G.E.T Board
  1. Serve as the link between elected Republican officials and the party structure. Know their   concerns and keep them “plugged-in” to the Party.
  1. Organize the Central Committee and prepare a plan for every two year period to include major elections.
  1. Remain neutral in all primary elections and do those things necessary to encourage primary candidates to refrain from tactics or public statements detrimental to the party as a whole.
  1. Serve as the official spokesman for the Greene County Republican Party.
  1. Assist the Central Committee in planning and executing the following activities and undertakings:

a. Fund-raising activities to enable the Central Committee to carry on its work—that is the election of Republicans to office

b. Voter Identification and Get- Out-The Vote Campaigns.

c. Voter Registration Drives and Absentee Voter Assistance.

d. Provision of assistance to candidates through joint activities;

joint campaign headquarters; computer support; joint media buys when appropriate; maintenance of a   “County Calendar” listing all Republican Events to enable coordination of efforts, etc.

9. Supervise and direct employed staff and GOP Headquarters office(s).

  1. Attend meetings and functions of auxiliary organizations whenever possible.
  1. Keep all Republicans working together in a united, ongoing efforts to bring more voters to the Republican Party


      Missouri US Congressional Districts Here

Missouri 20 Senate District Map Here

Missouri 30 Senate District Map Here

Missouri Legislative District Map Here

         Greene County Ward/Township Maps Here

Missouri 7th Congressional Map Here